Scott Hershovitz

Nasty, Brutish, and Short

14,49 €

Scott Hershovitz

Nasty, Brutish, and Short

14,49 €

129 x 198 mm
384 stranica
meki uvez
0.30 kg

A funny, wise guide to the art of thinking, and why the smallest people have the answers to the biggest questions `Anyone can do philosophy, every kid does...` Some of the best philosophers in the world can be found in the most unlikely places: in preschools and playgrounds. They gather to debate questions about metaphysics and morality, even though they`ve never heard the words, and can`t tie their shoelaces. As Scott Hershovitz shows in this delightful book, kids are astoundingly good philosophers. And, if we let ourselves pause to think along with them, we might discover that we are, too. Nasty, Brutish, and Short is a unique guide to the art of thinking, led by a celebrated philosophy professor and his two young sons. Together, Scott, Rex, and Hank take us on a romp through classic and contemporary philosophy, steered by questions like, does Hank have the right to drink Fanta? When is it okay to swear? And, does the number six exist? They explore weighty issues, like punishment and authority; sex, gender, and race; the nature of truth and knowledge; and the existence of God. And they call on a host of professional philosophers, famous and obscure, to help them along the way. Ultimately, they demonstrate that we shouldn`t just support kids in their philosophical adventures: we should join them, so that we can rekindle our own innate, childlike wonder at the world. We`d all be better, more discerning thinkers for it.

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