Kristin Hannah

Fly Away

13,20 €

Kristin Hannah

Fly Away

13,20 €

130 x 197 mm
416 stranica
meki uvez
0.29 kg

Sequel to Firefly Lane, now a major Netflix series, Kristin Hannah`s Fly Away is the story of three women who have lost their way and need each other - plus a miracle - to transform their lives . . . Celebrity news reporter and presenter, Tully Hart, has hit rock bottom. Kate Ryan had been her best friend for more than thirty years. They`d lived, laughed, danced and cried together. Kate had been her anchor, and now Tully was cast adrift - not knowing how she was going to survive. Kate`s daughter, Marah, was only sixteen years old when her mother died. Consumed with guilt over the fights they`d had during the last months of Kate`s life, Marah runs away and becomes a drop-out in society, maintaining no contact with her family. Tully`s mother, Cloud, a child of the Sixties, has lived a world of her own dependent on drugs for most of her adult life. She now wants to prove that she can help her daughter. But what will it take for Tully to forgive? And then something momentous happens which causes each one of them to realize what they`ve done, and what they have become.

Kristin Hannah nagrađivana je američka spisateljica romana ljubavne i obiteljske tematike. Sugestivno pripovijedanje, uvjerljivo psihološko portretiranje likova te progovaranje o najbolnijim temama donijeli su joj svjetski uspjeh i omiljenost kod čitatelja. U izdanju Znanja dosad su objavljeni romani "Četiri vjetra", "Moja Aljaska", “Zimski vrt”, “Boje istine”, “Posljednji ples leptira”, “Slavujeva Pjesma”, “Ulica krijesnica” te “Kao zvijezda u noći”.

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