Victoria Mas

Island of Mists and Miracles

18,45 €

Victoria Mas

Island of Mists and Miracles

18,45 €

153 x 234 mm
224 stranica
meki uvez
0.28 kg

Sometimes the truth lies in the things you cannot see. In 1830 a young novice called Catherine Labouré was granted a vision of the Virgin Mary. Nearly 200 years later, Sister Anne is also waiting for a sign. Which is why she accepts a mission to go to a tiny community on an island just off the coast of Brittany. Her only companion there is a sceptical, chain-smoking older nun who just wants to be left in peace. On the island she meets Hugo, the son of a devout family who prefers to look for the meaning of life amid the stars; Madenn, a grandmother whose daughter was killed in a crash and who finds meaning in routine; Isaac, Madenn`s grandson, an otherworldly teenager who doesn`t fit in but who befriends Hugo, and Julia, a sickly child. If anyone needs a miracle, it is her. But it is not Sister Anne who receives a vision. Instead it is Isaac who is found on a promontary, transfixed, unable to utter more than the words `I see`. The event soon becomes headline news and the world descends on the small island, opening old wounds and unleashing a chain of events none of them could have foreseen.

Victoria Mas francuska je spisateljica rođena 1987. godine. Nakon što je diplomirala suvremenu književnost na pariškoj Sorboni, osam godina je provela u SAD-u, radeći u filmskoj industriji. Njezin prvijenac, Bal luđakinja, ovjenčan je brojnim nagradama, uključujući Prix Stanislas, Prix Renaudot des Lycéens i Prix Première Plume. U režiji poznate glumice i redateljice Mélanie Laurent roman uskoro očekuje i filmska adaptacija.

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