Louisa May Alcott

Little Men

13,30 €

Louisa May Alcott

Little Men

13,30 €

162 x 210 mm
400 stranica
tvrdi uvez
0.63 kg

Just two years after the extraordinarily successful publication of LITTLE WOMEN and GOOD WIVES, Louisa Alcott`s brother-in-law died, leaving two sons. She immediately decided to write a sequel to provide for her sister and nephews, and LITTLE MEN, published in 1871, became a tribute to her father`s theories of education. The story is set in Plumfield, a school run by Jo and her German husband, Professor Bhaer, and they follow the precepts of Grandpa March in cultivating the little mind - `not tasking it with long hard lessons, parrot-learned, but helping it to unfold as naturally and beautifully as sun and dew help roses bloom`. The different ways in which the children, good and bad, respond to this kind of nurturing make up the episodes of the novel which instantly proved as popular as its predecessors, selling 42, 000 in the first year after its publication.

Louisa May Alcott (1832. - 1888.) bila je američka književnica, spisateljica kratkih priča i pjesnikinja najpoznatija po romanima Male žene (1868.), Little Men (1871.) i Jo’s Boys (1886). Odrasla je među mnogim poznatim intelektualcima poput Ralpha Walda Emersona, Nathaniela Hawthornea, Henryja Davida Thoreaua i Henryja Wadsworth Longfellowa. Kritički uspjeh za svoj spisateljski rad počela je dobivati 1860-ih. Na početku karijere ponekad je koristila pseudonim A. M. Barnard, pod kojim je pisala romane za mlade koji su se fokusirali na špijune i osvetu. Umrla je 1888. godine u Bostonu, SAD. Alcott je bila jedna od rijetkih književnica 19. stoljeća koja je stvorila snažne i neovisne ženske likove koji su se usudili razmišljati svojom glavom." National Women's History Museum

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