Louisa May Alcott

Little Women and Good Wives

13,80 €

Louisa May Alcott

Little Women and Good Wives

13,80 €

62 x 210 mm
528 stranica
tvrdi uvez
0.73 kg

Written in six weeks, and at first thought by its editor to be `dull`, this story of an American family - four sisters and their mother living through the months while father is away in the Civil War - has a universal and enduring appeal. The reason is clear. Louisa Alcott based her story on her own experience of family life. `Not a bit sensational`, she wrote, `but simple and true, for we really lived most of it. ` When published in 1868, the book was illustrated by May Alcott, Louisa`s mother. GOOD WIVES, a sequel to LITTEL WOMEN, was published in 1869, taking up the story of Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy three years on. In 1912 an English artist, Millicent Etheldreda Gray, with a reputation for closely-worked studies of domestic settings, was commissioned by Hodder and Stoughton to paint twelve watercolours for this most long-lasting of all family stories. A new feature film of LITTLE WOMEN will be released by Columbia Pictures in 1995 starring Winona Ryder and Susan Sarandon and directed by Gillian Armstrong.

Louisa May Alcott (1832. - 1888.) bila je američka književnica, spisateljica kratkih priča i pjesnikinja najpoznatija po romanima Male žene (1868.), Little Men (1871.) i Jo’s Boys (1886). Odrasla je među mnogim poznatim intelektualcima poput Ralpha Walda Emersona, Nathaniela Hawthornea, Henryja Davida Thoreaua i Henryja Wadsworth Longfellowa. Kritički uspjeh za svoj spisateljski rad počela je dobivati 1860-ih. Na početku karijere ponekad je koristila pseudonim A. M. Barnard, pod kojim je pisala romane za mlade koji su se fokusirali na špijune i osvetu. Umrla je 1888. godine u Bostonu, SAD. Alcott je bila jedna od rijetkih književnica 19. stoljeća koja je stvorila snažne i neovisne ženske likove koji su se usudili razmišljati svojom glavom." National Women's History Museum

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