Louisa May Alcott

Little Women, Novel, Letters, Manuscripts

39,60 €

Louisa May Alcott

Little Women, Novel, Letters, Manuscripts

39,60 €

191 x 229 mm
360 stranica
tvrdi uvez
0.84 kg

This special edition invites fans inside the world of the March sisters. It includes the full text of Little Women, plus gorgeous, removable replicas of the characters` letters and other writings. For anyone who loves Little Women, or still cherishes the joy of letter writing, this book illuminates a favorite story in a whole new way. Louisa May Alcott`s classic tale follows the March sisters as they come of age, and these unforgettable characters come alive in their letters and other writings. When Laurie invites Jo to join him for a picnic and "all sorts of larks," the unbridled joy of their friendship shines through. Each of the girls` personalities is perfectly encapsulated in the letters they pen to Marmee. And Jo`s heart-wrenching poem "My Beth" speaks to the profound bond between two sisters. As you read this deluxe edition of the novel, you will find pockets throughout containing replicas of all 17 significant letters and paper ephemera from the story, re-created with beautiful calligraphy and painstaking attention to historical detail. Pull out each one, peruse its contents, and allow yourself to be transported to the parlor of the March family home. BELOVED STORY: LITTLE WOMEN has been passed down from generation to generation. Greta Gerwig`s 2019 film adaption welcomed new fans to the story. Now is the perfect time to revisit the Alcott`s original text and experience it in a unique way with physical ephemera that links you directly to the world of the March family. UNIQUE FORMAT: From the masterful calligraphy, to the painstaking attention to historical detail, to the hand-folding of the letters, to the quality of the materials-each book is an object made by fans for fans. This edition offers an immersive experience of the story, stands apart on the shelf, and makes for a truly lovely gift and keepsake. NOSTALGIC APPEAL, TIMELESS STORY: LITTLE WOMEN evokes deep childhood nostalgia-yet it`s a rich and sophisticated story with feminist overtones that engages readers of any age and any generation. This edition allows those who read LITTLE WOMEN as children to experience their beloved novel anew, while inviting first-time readers to the party.

Louisa May Alcott (1832. - 1888.) bila je američka književnica, spisateljica kratkih priča i pjesnikinja najpoznatija po romanima Male žene (1868.), Little Men (1871.) i Jo’s Boys (1886). Odrasla je među mnogim poznatim intelektualcima poput Ralpha Walda Emersona, Nathaniela Hawthornea, Henryja Davida Thoreaua i Henryja Wadsworth Longfellowa. Kritički uspjeh za svoj spisateljski rad počela je dobivati 1860-ih. Na početku karijere ponekad je koristila pseudonim A. M. Barnard, pod kojim je pisala romane za mlade koji su se fokusirali na špijune i osvetu. Umrla je 1888. godine u Bostonu, SAD. Alcott je bila jedna od rijetkih književnica 19. stoljeća koja je stvorila snažne i neovisne ženske likove koji su se usudili razmišljati svojom glavom." National Women's History Museum

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