Louisa May Alcott

Little Women

10,55 €

Louisa May Alcott

Little Women

10,55 €

146 x 191 mm
528 stranica
tvrdi uvez
0.66 kg

A classic tale to share with the next generation, Little Women is a coming of age story of virtue and true love in nineteenth century America. A true classic, Little Women follows the lives of Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy March, four spirited sisters living in Civil War era America. Join the Marches as they navigate New England life with a father at war, financial hardships, and the lure and intrigue of the handsome young man who lives next door. Originally published in 1868, Little Women was an immediate best seller that inspired three sequels: Good Wives, Little Men, and Jo`s Boys. Little Women is based directly on author Louisa May Alcott`s own early life. Alcott`s father, a reformist and staunch abolitionist, was able to often meet with luminary Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and other figures that would influence her to become one of the great American authors of the post-Civil War era. Complete and unabridged, this beautifully designed, jacketed hardcover edition features an introduction by Victorian literature scholar Laura Ciolkowski and a timeline of the life and times of Louisa May Alcott. Essential volumes for the shelves of every classic literature lover, the Chartwell Classics series includes beautifully presented works and collections from some of the most important authors in literary history. Chartwell Classics are the editions of choice for the most discerning literature buffs.

Louisa May Alcott (1832. - 1888.) bila je američka književnica, spisateljica kratkih priča i pjesnikinja najpoznatija po romanima Male žene (1868.), Little Men (1871.) i Jo’s Boys (1886). Odrasla je među mnogim poznatim intelektualcima poput Ralpha Walda Emersona, Nathaniela Hawthornea, Henryja Davida Thoreaua i Henryja Wadsworth Longfellowa. Kritički uspjeh za svoj spisateljski rad počela je dobivati 1860-ih. Na početku karijere ponekad je koristila pseudonim A. M. Barnard, pod kojim je pisala romane za mlade koji su se fokusirali na špijune i osvetu. Umrla je 1888. godine u Bostonu, SAD. Alcott je bila jedna od rijetkih književnica 19. stoljeća koja je stvorila snažne i neovisne ženske likove koji su se usudili razmišljati svojom glavom." National Women's History Museum

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