Carley Fortune

This Summer Will Be Different

11,85 € 8,89 €
Najniža cijena po kojoj je proizvod prodan u zadnjih 30 dana: 8,89 €

Carley Fortune

This Summer Will Be Different

11,85 € 8,89 €
Najniža cijena po kojoj je proizvod prodan u zadnjih 30 dana: 8,89 €

129 x 198 mm
368 stranica
meki uvez
0.30 kg

The first time Lucy and Felix meet, she is a tourist vacationing at a beach house on Prince Edward Island. He is the local who shows her a very good night. She has no clue that he is her best friend`s younger brother. Their chemistry is off the charts, but the list of reasons they can`t be together is much longer. Every summer, Lucy visits the island with Bridget for a big breath of fresh air, to gorge on oysters and vinho verde, and to soak up sunny days on red sand beaches. And each year, she promises herself she won`t end up in Felix`s arms. It`s easier said than done. With every furtive glance and electrifying touch, she becomes more entranced by this man who wears his heart on his sleeve even as he remains completely off-limits to her. What started as a one-time thing becomes six years of keeping secrets and telling lies-to her best friend, to Felix, to herself. That`s why, last summer, she broke things off for good. When Bridget faces the biggest crisis of her life, Lucy knows she needs to take her back home. One last trip to the island. One last chance with Felix. But has she ruined everything before it can really begin?

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