Neil Degrasse Tyson

Welcome to the Universe

46,20 €

Neil Degrasse Tyson

Welcome to the Universe

46,20 €

178 x 254 mm
480 stranica
meki uvez
1.36 kg

A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Welcome to the Universe is a personal guided tour of the cosmos by three of today`s leading astrophysicists. Inspired by the enormously popular introductory astronomy course that Neil deGrasse Tyson, Michael A. Strauss, and J. Richard Gott taught together at Princeton, this book covers it all--from planets, stars, and galaxies to black holes, wormholes, and time travel. Describing the latest discoveries in astrophysics, the informative and entertaining narrative propels you from our home solar system to the outermost frontiers of space. How do stars live and die? Why did Pluto lose its planetary status? What are the prospects of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? How did the universe begin? Why is it expanding and why is its expansion accelerating? Is our universe alone or part of an infinite multiverse? Answering these and many other questions, the authors open your eyes to the wonders of the cosmos, sharing their knowledge of how the universe works. Breathtaking in scope and stunningly illustrated throughout, Welcome to the Universe is for those who hunger for insights into our evolving universe that only world-class astrophysicists can provide.

Neil deGrasse Tyson američki je znanstvenik, pisac i moderator nekolicine televizijskih emisija koje javnosti nastoje približiti saznanja o svemiru te popularizirati astrofiziku i znanost općenito. Osnovno i srednjoškolsko obrazovanje završio je u njujorškim školama gdje je pohađao znamenitu Bronx High School of Science. Diplomu iz fizike stekao je na Harvardovu sveučilištu, a titulu doktora znanosti iz područja astrofizike na Sveučilištu Columbia. U razdoblju od 1991. do 1994., sudjelovao je kao znanstveni suradnik u postdoktorskim istraživanjima na Sveučilištu Princeton, a 1994. pridružio se radnom timu Haydenova planetarija gdje 1996. postaje ravnatelj. Autor je više popularno-znanstvenih knjiga od kojih je na hrvatskom jeziku u nakladi Znanja objavljena njegova svjetska uspješnica Astrofizika za ljude u žurbi.

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