J. R. R. Tolkien

Battle Of Maldon

26,40 €

J. R. R. Tolkien

Battle Of Maldon

26,40 €

149 x 228 mm
208 stranica
meki uvez
0.30 kg

First ever standalone edition of one of J.R.R. Tolkien’s most important poetic dramas, that explores timely themes such as the nature of heroism and chivalry during war, and which features unpublished and never-before-seen texts and drafts. In 991 AD, vikings attacked an Anglo-Saxon defence-force led by their duke, Beorhtnoth, resulting in brutal fighting along the banks of the river Blackwater, near Maldon in Essex. The attack is widely considered one of the defining conflicts of tenth-century England, due to it being immortalised in the poem, The Battle of Maldon. Written shortly after the battle, the poem now survives only as a 325-line fragment, but its value to today is incalculable, not just as an heroic tale but in vividly expressing the lost language of our ancestors and celebrating ideals of loyalty and friendship. J.R.R. Tolkien considered The Battle of Maldon ‘the last surviving fragment of ancient English heroic minstrelsy’. It would inspire him to compose, during the 1930s, his own dramatic verse-dialogue, The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm’s Son, which imagines the aftermath of the great battle when two of Beorhtnoth’s retainers come to retrieve their duke’s body. Leading Tolkien scholar, Peter Grybauskas, presents for the very first time J.R.R. Tolkien’s own prose translation of The Battle of Maldon together with the definitive treatment of The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth and its accompanying essays; also included and never before published is Tolkien’s bravura lecture, ‘The Tradition of Versification in Old English’, a wide-ranging essay on the nature of poetic tradition. Illuminated with insightful notes and commentary, he has produced a definitive critical edition of these works, and argues compellingly that, Beowulf excepted, The Battle of Maldon may well have been ‘the Old English poem that most influenced Tolkien’s fiction’, most dramatically within the pages of The Lord of the Rings.

J. R. R. Tolkien engleski je književnik, pjesnik, filolog i sveučilišni profesor koji je najpoznatiji kao autor djela: Hobit, Gospodar prstenova i Silmarillion. Nakon Tolkienove smrti, njegov sin Christopher je objavio niz radova na temelju opsežnih bilješka i neobjavljenih rukopisa svoga oca, uključujući i Silmarillion koji se zajedno sa Hobitom i Gospodarom prstenova čini spojenu strukturu priča, pjesama, fiktivne povijesti te izumljenog jezika i književnih eseja o svjetovima zvanim Međuzemlje i Arda. Između 1951. i 1955. godine, Tolkien primjenjuje naziv legendarium za veći dio tih spisa. Iako su mnogi drugi autori objavljivali radove iz područja fantazije prije Tolkiena, veliki uspjeh Hobita i Gospodara prstenova je dovelo do izravnog populariziranja ovog žanra . Prema tome Tolkien se popularno identificira kao "otac modernog fantastičke literature. Godine 2008, prema listu The Times rangiran je kao šesti na popisu "50 najvećih britanskih pisaca od 1945. godine".

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