J. R. R. Tolkien

Lord of the Rings (Illustrated Slipcase edition)

92,40 €

J. R. R. Tolkien

Lord of the Rings (Illustrated Slipcase edition)

92,40 €

171 x 252 mm
1217 stranica
tvrdi uvez
2.41 kg

A sumptuous new one-volume edition of Tolkien`s classic masterpiece that is fully illustrated throughout in watercolour by the acclaimed and award-winning artist, Alan Lee, and housed in a special transparent slipcase. Since it was first published in 1954, The Lord of the Rings has been a book people have treasured. Steeped in unrivalled magic and otherworldliness, its sweeping fantasy has touched the hearts of young and old alike. Well over 100 million copies of its many editions have been sold around the world, and occasional collectors` editions become prized and valuable items of publishing. With the epic trilogy now an acclaimed, award-winning and billion-dollar success, images of the characters and landscapes have become iconic to a whole new generation of readers. Much of the look of these movies is based on Alan Lee`s paintings, giving this sumptuous new edition of Tolkien`s great work new relevance for the ever-growing number of fans. This new edition is housed in a special transparent slipcase and includes a brand new setting that features the definitive 50th anniversary text, which together with Alan`s beautiful paintings provides the reader with the ultimate edition with which to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the work`s first publication.

J. R. R. Tolkien engleski je književnik, pjesnik, filolog i sveučilišni profesor koji je najpoznatiji kao autor djela: Hobit, Gospodar prstenova i Silmarillion. Nakon Tolkienove smrti, njegov sin Christopher je objavio niz radova na temelju opsežnih bilješka i neobjavljenih rukopisa svoga oca, uključujući i Silmarillion koji se zajedno sa Hobitom i Gospodarom prstenova čini spojenu strukturu priča, pjesama, fiktivne povijesti te izumljenog jezika i književnih eseja o svjetovima zvanim Međuzemlje i Arda. Između 1951. i 1955. godine, Tolkien primjenjuje naziv legendarium za veći dio tih spisa. Iako su mnogi drugi autori objavljivali radove iz područja fantazije prije Tolkiena, veliki uspjeh Hobita i Gospodara prstenova je dovelo do izravnog populariziranja ovog žanra . Prema tome Tolkien se popularno identificira kao "otac modernog fantastičke literature. Godine 2008, prema listu The Times rangiran je kao šesti na popisu "50 najvećih britanskih pisaca od 1945. godine".

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Knjiga Children of Hurin autora J. R. R. Tolkien izdana 2008 kao meki uvez dostupna u Knjižari Znanje.

J. R. R. Tolkien

Children of Hurin

17,15 €