153 x 234 mm
288 stranica
meki uvez
0.30 kg
Don’t misbehave. Beware the moon. And never go out after dark . . . Following a scandal at the Vauxhall pleasure gardens, Camille is sent to the woods to live with her reclusive godmother and her strange daughter, Lucy. Cast out from polite society, she must learn to live by her godmother’s strict rules. Camille has never met anyone quite like Lucy before, and as they grow closer and cross forbidden boundaries, strange things begin to happen. Mysterious deaths, claw marks raking the doors, and the nights are pierced by the howls of a creature that sounds almost . . . otherworldly. Should Camille be more afraid of what’s hiding in the woods – or her own heart?
Laura Purcell radila je u knjižari i tako je otkrila svoju ljubav prema pisanju romana. Za svoj roman Nijemi pratitelji osvojila je nagradu VHSmith Thumping Good Read 2018. godine. Osim tog, napisala je još nekoliko povijesnih romana prožetih elementima horora i nadnaravnog. Živi u Colchesteru sa suprugom. Korzet je njezin drugi roman objavljen u Znanju.
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