Tim Marshall

Power of Geography

14,49 €

Tim Marshall

Power of Geography

14,49 €

129 x 198 mm
432 stranica
meki uvez
0.36 kg

Tim Marshall`s global bestseller Prisoners of Geography showed how every nation`s choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. Since then, the geography hasn`t changed. But the world has. In this revelatory new book, Marshall explores ten regions that are set to shape global politics in a new age of great-power rivalry: Australia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Greece, Turkey, the Sahel, Ethiopia, Spain and Space. Find out why Europe`s next refugee crisis is closer than it thinks as trouble brews in the Sahel; why the Middle East must look beyond oil and sand to secure its future; why the eastern Mediterranean is one of the most volatile flashpoints of the twenty-first century; and why the Earth`s atmosphere is set to become the world`s next battleground. Delivered with Marshall`s trademark wit and insight, this is a lucid and gripping exploration of the power of geography to shape humanity`s past, present - and future.

TIM MARSHALL (1959.) vodeći je britanski stručnjak za vanjsku politiku s dugogodišnjim izvjestiteljskim stažem. Bio je urednik za diplomatska pitanja Sky Newsa, a prije toga radio je za BBC i radio LBC/IRN. Izvještavao je iz 40 zemalja i pratio sukobe u Hrvatskoj, Bosni, Makedoniji, na Kosovu, u Afganistanu, Iraku, Libanonu, Siriji i Izraelu. Pisao je i za novine, uključujući Times, Sunday Times, Guardian, Independent i Daily Telegraph. Autor je nekoliko svjetskih bestselera, među ostalim: U okovima geografije; Doba podjela; Shadowplay: The Overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic (Igra sjena: Rušenje Slobodana Miloševića). Njegov blog Foreign Matters (Vanjska pitanja) bio je u užem izboru za nagradu Orwell 2010. godine. Pokretač je i urednik stranice TheWhatandtheWhy.com.

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