Tim Marshall

Shadowplay: Behind the Lines and Under Fire

13,20 €

Tim Marshall

Shadowplay: Behind the Lines and Under Fire

13,20 €

128 x 198 mm
320 stranica
meki uvez
0.35 kg

A gripping eyewitness account of a major 20th-century military conflict by the UK`s most popular writer on geopolitics; The shattering of Yugoslavia in the 1990s showed that, after nearly 50 years of peace, war could return to Europe. It came to its bloody conclusion in Kosovo in 1999.; Tim Marshall, then diplomatic editor at Sky News, was on the ground covering the Kosovo War. This is his illuminating account of how events unfolded, a thrilling journalistic memoir drawing on personal experience, eyewitness accounts, and interviews with intelligence officials from five countries.; Twenty years on from the war`s end, with the rise of Russian power, a weakened NATO and stalled EU expansion, this story is more relevant than ever, as questions remain about the possibility of conflict on European soil. Utterly gripping, this is Tim Marshall at his very best: behind the lines, under fire and full of the insight that has made him one of Britain`s foremost writers on geopolitics.

TIM MARSHALL (1959.) vodeći je britanski stručnjak za vanjsku politiku s dugogodišnjim izvjestiteljskim stažem. Bio je urednik za diplomatska pitanja Sky Newsa, a prije toga radio je za BBC i radio LBC/IRN. Izvještavao je iz 40 zemalja i pratio sukobe u Hrvatskoj, Bosni, Makedoniji, na Kosovu, u Afganistanu, Iraku, Libanonu, Siriji i Izraelu. Pisao je i za novine, uključujući Times, Sunday Times, Guardian, Independent i Daily Telegraph. Autor je nekoliko svjetskih bestselera, među ostalim: U okovima geografije; Doba podjela; Shadowplay: The Overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic (Igra sjena: Rušenje Slobodana Miloševića). Njegov blog Foreign Matters (Vanjska pitanja) bio je u užem izboru za nagradu Orwell 2010. godine. Pokretač je i urednik stranice TheWhatandtheWhy.com.

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