J. R. R. Tolkien

Secret Vice: Tolkien on Invented Languages

11,81 €

J. R. R. Tolkien

Secret Vice: Tolkien on Invented Languages

11,81 €

129 x 198 mm
224 stranica
meki uvez
0.20 kg

First ever critical study of Tolkien`s little-known essay, which reveals how language invention shaped the creation of Middle-earth and beyond, to George R R Martin`s Game of Thrones. J.R.R. Tolkien`s linguistic invention was a fundamental part of his artistic output, to the extent that later on in life he attributed the existence of his mythology to the desire to give his languages a home and peoples to speak them. As Tolkien puts it in `A Secret Vice`, `the making of language and mythology are related functions``. In the 1930s, Tolkien composed and delivered two lectures, in which he explored these two key elements of his sub-creative methodology. The second of these, the seminal Andrew Lang Lecture for 1938-9, `On Fairy-Stories`, which he delivered at the University of St Andrews in Scotland, is well known. But many years before, in 1931, Tolkien gave a talk to a literary society entitled `A Hobby for the Home`, where he unveiled for the first time to a listening public the art that he had both himself encountered and been involved with since his earliest childhood: `the construction of imaginary languages in full or outline for amusement`. This talk would be edited by Christopher Tolkien for inclusion as `A Secret Vice` in The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays and serves as the principal exposition of Tolkien`s art of inventing languages. This new critical edition, which includes previously unpublished notes and drafts by Tolkien connected with the essay, including his `Essay on Phonetic Symbolism`, goes some way towards re-opening the debate on the importance of linguistic invention in Tolkien`s mythology and the role of imaginary languages in fantasy literature.

J. R. R. Tolkien engleski je književnik, pjesnik, filolog i sveučilišni profesor koji je najpoznatiji kao autor djela: Hobit, Gospodar prstenova i Silmarillion. Nakon Tolkienove smrti, njegov sin Christopher je objavio niz radova na temelju opsežnih bilješka i neobjavljenih rukopisa svoga oca, uključujući i Silmarillion koji se zajedno sa Hobitom i Gospodarom prstenova čini spojenu strukturu priča, pjesama, fiktivne povijesti te izumljenog jezika i književnih eseja o svjetovima zvanim Međuzemlje i Arda. Između 1951. i 1955. godine, Tolkien primjenjuje naziv legendarium za veći dio tih spisa. Iako su mnogi drugi autori objavljivali radove iz područja fantazije prije Tolkiena, veliki uspjeh Hobita i Gospodara prstenova je dovelo do izravnog populariziranja ovog žanra . Prema tome Tolkien se popularno identificira kao "otac modernog fantastičke literature. Godine 2008, prema listu The Times rangiran je kao šesti na popisu "50 najvećih britanskih pisaca od 1945. godine".

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